Are you a licensed therapist seeking support and guidance with challenging cases? Do you aspire to become certified in Brainspotting and expand your therapeutic toolkit? Are you searching for expert advice to navigate the complexities of your business or career? Look no further. Dr. La’Toya Edwards, a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in clinical mental health, administrative leadership, and consulting, is here to empower you on your journey.

Experience the Benefits:

Expert Guidance for Therapists: Gain valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and a compassionate ear as Dr. La’Toya supports you in navigating complex therapeutic situations. With her extensive clinical background, she offers a unique Afrocentric perspective that integrates cultural wisdom and holistic approaches. Together, you will explore innovative therapeutic approaches, problem-solve effectively, and enhance your effectiveness as a therapist.

Brainspotting Certification: Embrace the power of Brainspotting with La’Toya as your trusted guide. Benefit from her in-depth knowledge and personal training from Dr. David Grand, the Founder/Developer of Brainspotting. Through comprehensive consultation and mentorship, you will refine your skills, deepen your understanding, and apply Brainspotting effectively in your practice. Individual and group sessions will support you in mastering this powerful trauma recovery technique.

Holistic Business Consulting: Take your practice or business to new heights with Dr. La’Toya’s holistic consulting solutions. Whether you are developing clinical programs, creating manuals, designing assessments, or fostering a healthy work environment, she brings her expertise to the table. Dr. La’Toya specializes in streamlining processes to prevent burnout, enhance office cohesion, and prioritize mental health and wellness. Her Afrocentric lens ensures that your consulting solutions honor diversity, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity.

Expert Guidance for Doctorate Students: Gain valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and a compassionate ear as Dr. La’Toya supports you on doctorate (DSW/ PsyD/ PhD) journey.  With her extensive clinical and scholoarly background, she offers a unique perspective that integrates mentorship, cultural wisdom, and holistic approaches. Together, you will craft out a plan to help you reach the finsih finish line.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Gain valuable insights and evidence-based strategies to navigate complex therapeutic situations.

  • Embrace the life-changing power of Brainspotting with a trusted guide by your side.

  • Refine your skills, deepen your understanding, and apply Brainspotting effectively in your practice.

  • Develop comprehensive clinical programs, create manuals, and design assessments.

  • Foster a healthy work environment that prioritizes mental health and wellness.

  • Streamline processes to prevent burnout and enhance office cohesion.

  • Benefit from an Afrocentric perspective that integrates cultural wisdom and holistic approaches.

Contact me now to embark on a transformative consulting journey that embraces cultural wisdom, holistic approaches, and empowers you to thrive in your practice, certification, and business endeavors. 

Experience Expert Guidance and Empowerment for Therapists, Brainspotting Certification, and Business Success

Schedule Your Appointment Now